Friday 20 September 2024

Friday 20th September (Today's excuses)

Eldest grandchild off to university today (!!); husband suggests trip to town where I have books to collect/browse/order, and to read while he is swimming after which I return home where washing needs hanging up (indoors because drizzle threatens) So ... it's a while before I remember the need to post prompt words, despite having especially enjoyed Jim's small feast of words earlier ...  whereupon the internet goes AWOL. So for next week have a go at civilise,  divide and  yawn. 

Entries by midnight Thursday 26th September, new words  Friday 27th

 Usual rules: 100 words maximum (excluding title) of flash fiction or poetry using all of the three words above in the genres of horror, fantasy, science fiction or noir. Serialised fiction is, as always, welcome. All variants and uses of the words and stems are fine.  

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