Friday 29 March 2024

One of those mornings

 where I bring my just-poured coffee upstairs. Collect and take downstairs the washing and put it onto wash. Come back upstairs, clean my teeth, check my emails, search my laptop for the Prediction folder (it is fond of playing hide and seek) then spot my coffee lurking and gone cold.

So, last week’s posts. All very good – entertaining and thought-provoking - and good too to have a visit from John Howe – hope to see you again, John.

Words for the coming week: avalanche list swivel

Entries by midnight  Thursday April 4th,  new words Friday April 5th

 Usual rules: 100 words maximum (excluding title) of flash fiction or poetry using all three words above in the genres of horror, fantasy, science fiction or noir. Serialised fiction is, as always, welcome. All variants and uses of the words and stems are fine. Feel free to post links to your stories on Facebook or whichever.


  1. The Secret Armadillo Soldier (SAS) Diaries - entry 266

    Aggie grinned. ‘Made it all the way t’ the entrance, Sarg, not a sign of anyone, nor scent neither. We’re about four levels down in the burrow so a couple of spaces needed opening, that’s where I got this,’ she motioned to the bump on her head, ‘a bigger ‘Dillo would’ve fared better but being a short-ass I couldn’t manage by m’self where the side-wall lists an’ a great lump of dirt with a corner-stone swivelled an’ avalanched outta place whackin’ me a good’un on the noggin. Sent me a bit catawampus fer a time but I'm ok, honest Sarg.'

    1. When you think about your characters, literally, you see a bunch of small animals scurrying about, doing their thing. But you bring them to life and show how, to them, life is just as important as it is to anyone. Your stories here, are really special. I loved short-ass.

    2. and I especially love catawampus, but also have to agree with John regarding the making them all come to life.

    3. James E. Deegan3 April 2024 at 19:27

      Aggie's description of her task is nothing short of marvelous, Terrie.

  2. The Worrier

    Metzger stared at the screen in disbelief. He swiveled in the chair and looked out the window. He turned back to his laptop and checked the list one more time. How had he failed to account for an avalanche?

    It was unlikely, to be sure, living in Miami, but what if it happened? Just one more way he could be wiped off the earth. He updated the list and logged onto Amazon. He would need protective clothing and equipment. Probably an ice axe.

    Metzger checked his watch. No time for his psychology appointment today.

    1. A well-crafted use of the prompt words to give an insight into paranoia

    2. James E. Deegan3 April 2024 at 19:21

      Metzger undoubtedly needs help - hopefully before the avalanche hits. This is a good read!

    3. How expertly you set the scene for this piece ...and with a masterful last line explained everything . Really enjoyed reading this , John.

  3. The Darkest Hour is Just Before

    The avalanche engulfed the exploration buggy. Radio contact with the mothership was lost. Trapped beneath tonnes of ancient dust they went through lists of emergency protocols. When everything failed they tried in vain to manually swivel the axles in an effort to help the reinforced tyres gain sufficient purchase. Energy cells rapidly depleting it became apparent that all that was left was to be plunged into darkness and suffer a slow descent toward suffocation.
    'We're making history,' said Hollings. 'First humans to die on an alien world.'
    Rider sat upright, grinning behind her visor. 'I have an idea!'

    1. I, as well as Hollings, are hoping Rider has a good idea. Nice work.

    2. Yes indeed, Rollings need to trigger practicality.

    3. James E. Deegan3 April 2024 at 19:16

      Rider best get on with it... time is running out! Very nice pace to this.

    4. This is a really strong opening for a wider story arc, David. Hope to read more about this situation.

  4. Thresholds new [15]

    Raven being deaf to my piteous plea, I unwisely hauled on the reins to halt my caramel-coloured mount which, unsurprisingly, she took objection to. Her attempts to halt (in response to the uncomfortable drag on her mouth as much as well-trained obedience) created a minor avalanche of loose stones. Hooves slid, I swivelled to further listing, which almost took me past the point of no return. My involuntary yell (anticipating a head-bouncing landing) was this time heard. More leisurely, more competently, Raven slowed, turned. Saw my predicament and returned in time to heave me upright.
    ‘Time for a rest.’

    1. James E. Deegan3 April 2024 at 19:13

      How easily this moves along, Sandra, like a smoothly flowing river.

      (I was finally able to post an entry after two weeks of being denied.)

    2. She rides a horse like I suspect I would, if I were to attempt it. I agree with Jim about your smoothness.

    3. I do enjoy reading these installments, Sandra.
      I notice your main character often finds herself in such challenging situations, with Raven invariably coming to her rescue ... So, (and i may be wrong here) , why do i keep getting this small and nigglingly playful sense that she is more than capable of dealing with most situations and is often almost manipulating him.

    4. @ Terrie, funny that, isn't it? Could it possibly be bcause she's female?

  5. James E. Deegan3 April 2024 at 19:06


    My wife is fat – 378 pounds fat. I’d like to describe her with a less shaming word, but my list of adjectives includes none.
    Once, she was voluptuously beautiful, but over time a slowly advancing avalanche of blubber transformed her into a flabby blimp of rotundity.
    Determined to release the beautiful woman within that vat of fat, I have her naked, heavily sedated and hanging by shoulder hooks in our basement so I can swivel her about as needed.
    Thus far, I have sliced pounds of fat from her mountainous breasts and carved buckets of blubber from her colossal thighs.

    1. A quick, but likely very effective form of weight loss. Next, he will probably find her scars unattractive as well. There is no pleasing some men.

  6. Effective, maybe, but messy. Someone should tell him about liposuction.

    1. almost spat my tea out read this reply Sandra .

    2. what a great descriptive entry into this weeks offerings, Jim. full of domestic horror .
