Friday 3 May 2024

First, an apology

 I should have been more alert  to the fact that a ‘cousins’ ending to Thresholds new, along with a head full of following up family trees  my choice of  prompt words was unintentionally influenced in my favour. To avoid a repetition I’ve made sure to avoid making the same mistake again and have chosen

words for next week from the pile of to-be-read books two feet from my left elbow: consume delirious yesterday

 Entries by midnight Thursday 9th May, new words scheduled Friday 10th

 Usual rules: 100 words maximum (excluding title) of flash fiction or poetry using all of the three words above in the genres of horror, fantasy, science fiction or noir. Serialised fiction is, as always, welcome. All variants and uses of the words and stems are fine.


  1. Thresholds new [20]

    The sun behind them rendered them a silhouette quartet; impossible to discern whether they shared Raven’s ebony-skinned genes. Nor, suddenly suffused with delirious uncertainty, could I be sure which would be most desirable. At least one of Raven’s pale-skinned twinned brothers had been consumed with such evil disposition that I remembered his chillingly goose-pimpling effect on me as if it had been yesterday he’d tormented me.
    Raven stepped aside from me. Body language relaxed, knowing his face would be illuminated, he smiled, ‘Good day. I am Raven, and this is –‘
    The foremost one interrupted. ‘We know who she is.’

    1. I read and then reread that last line in my head, first in a foreboding tone, then in an exuberant, excited, one. Oooh, what path will this meeting take ?

    2. The sentence beginning 'At least one of Raven's paled-skinned twinned brothers...' really captured me, Sandra.

  2. The Secret Armadillo Soldier (SAS) Diaries - entry 271

    As they stopped to consume a fresh patch of wayside meadowsweet, Armi wafted his tail in the air to relieve the stinging. ’Can’t believe I sat there on the damn stuff, like one of yesterday’s green recruits. I hope skin rash is all bluddy sumac gives yuh, I don’t fancy getting sick or worse.’ He muttered.

    ‘You’ll be alright mate, Atlas hefted his hammer, ‘but to be on the safe side, let’s get moving.’ He grinned, ‘an’ if yuh get too delirious and funny-like I’ll just whack yuh wiv me hammer and carry yuh back. ’

    1. As ever, Terrie, your use of out-of-the-ordinary verbs never fails to add an extra spark to your writing. Good, workmanlike episode this.

    2. I love the touch of humor in this episode, Terrie.


    History states that only one person died during the Mayflower’s voyage to America, but that is false. Many died, but the Pilgrims hid the truth and, among themselves, attributed the deaths to delirium caused by malnutrition.
    Countless yesterdays have passed sinced that fateful voyage some 400 hundred years ago, yet I remain with the truth in tow. You see, I stole aboard the Mayflower and hid in a hold deep in the ship. From there I easily found prey when the need for human blood arose in me.
    I am the consummate killer, and today I might be your neighbor.

  4. Effective use of the prompt words, Jim, and as usual a great cliffhanger last line. Erring on the side of caution, I have now locked my front and back doors.. just in case.

    1. You are safe from me, Terrie. I wouldn't dream of eliminating such a marvelous writer as you are.
