Friday 22 September 2023

Forewarning of absence

 I shall be out of the country, and probably sans laptop, for four weeks beginning 24th October. To keep Prediction going I can do the minimum of scheduling weekly prompt words, relying on you to comment and, if possible, name a favourite each week. Alternatively, if one of you is willing, I could grant administrator access, so the weekly post of comment and words, and any necessary problem solving (mostly permanently deleting mistaken posts) can be dealt with. Please let me know which you prefer.   

 This week the choice of ‘winner’ was easy – Jim’s ‘A train ride’ surprising and entertaining, leaving us eager to know more.

Words for next week:  elaborate unpeel yelp

 Entries by midnight Thursday 28th September, words and winners posted Friday 29th

 Usual rules: 100 words maximum (excluding title) of flash fiction or poetry using all of the three words above in the genres of horror, fantasy, science fiction or noir. Serialised fiction is, as always, welcome. All variants and uses of the words and stems are fine. Feel free to post links to your stories on Twitter or Facebook or whichever social media you prefer.


  1. well done Jim a worthy choice for last week.

  2. The Secret Armadillo Soldier (SAS) Diaries - entry 242

    As Atlas and Armi watched, a third weasel, eyes cold as glittered coal and teeth of needled-bone, came out of the lean-to and dropped a bloodied, semi-unpeeled, gerbil onto the ground.

    Several stifled yelps came from its nearby, corralled, companions.

    Atlas stiffened as she began to circle the half-flayed gerbil in an elaborate rhythmic dance. He had seen her death dealing dancing before. ‘Namwec.’

    Almost as though she heard the whisper, Namwec looked up at the onlookers and smiled. She stopped her sinuous ballet and her eyes shimmered with malice.
    In a lethal blur of movement she struck the gerbil.

  3. The Secret Armadillo Soldier (SAS) Diaries - entry 243
    sorry noticed poor Sarg had turned into 'Sag' so I've reposted the piece with correction.

    The ‘Dillo guided Sarg along a short but elaborate maze of small tunnels and into a pitch black burrowed area. He gave a surprised yelp as several of her recent fighting companions silently unpeeled themselves from the darkness and stanced ready.

    Sarg nodded in acknowledgement. No one spoke of their fallen companions but the musty air seethed with the stink of blood and the mutterings of barely restrained desire for revenge.

    ‘Need a couple of sentries posted, just in case,’ Sarg ordered as they went out into the tunnel beyond.

    A pair of ‘Dillos saluted and took up positions.

    1. ... silently unpeeled themselves from the darkness... creates a great image, Terrie.

  4. Such clever claustrophobia created here.


  5. Sandra Davies24 September 2023 at 15:36
    ... She who hesitates ... is lost … until she regains her senses

    But, again (and I make no apology: we are all adults here) maturity proved itself more … malleable than anticipated. More fugitive.
    And with a yelp unintentionally reminiscent of that forced by the unpeeling of sex- entwined and fully-sated bodies I caught his attention. He turned. Looked me in the face. The elaborate twitchings of his now age-creased features – an unconvincing pretence of surprise -- said he’d already seen and known me – and had no desire to renew our acquaintance.
    How quickly one reverts to savage adolescence!

    1. skillful observation of the sadder side of human interaction. Such blunt rejection.

    2. This contains wonderful uses of the prompts, Sandra.


    Another Thursday night, and I’m again on the elaborate Lucketts-to-Bluemont train, waiting to be pushed to my death.
    Then something new and frightening. - a tap at my shoulder that drew a startled yelp from me. I turned quickly and saw a conductor. My senses congealed then slowly unpeeled as the man smiled.
    “You haven’t been here before, “I warily said.
    “You just haven’t seen me,” the conductor replied.
    “But why this trip,” I asked.
    “Because it’s the last one. The train is being retired.”
    “Then I’ll never know who pushed me.”
    “The conductor sighed. “No one did… you jumped.”

    1. I love the laconic, commonsense ending to this.

    2. I re read this several times.
      'My senses congealed then slowly unpeeled as the man smiled ' what a great line.
