Friday 12 May 2023

Scheduled words for Friday 12th

 For encouragement (and to deliver the warm glow of having been read) please mention your personal favourite from last week. 

Words for next week, deadline 18th May: second unearth  whirl 


  1. My favourite from last week was the gritty 'gathering heads for androids '. The graphic image details and grimly matter of fact dialogue was a stark rendition of
    a war-torn situation

  2. The Secret Armadillo Soldier (SAS) Diaries - entry 228

    Quiet munching sounds arose as Armi and Atlas shared the grubs.

    Atlas scooped a second claw-full of fat larvae, ‘you’re right mate, rats are soddin’ unpredictable, you ‘ad the element of surprise last time but we don’t wanna be on the back-paw waiting for an attack.'

    ‘Nige won’t wait for them to attack, Atlas. If I know him, he’ll set a second ambush quick smart, an’ watch the feckers run, all twitter-whirly, unsuspecting like, straight into it… That’s wot I’d do, anyways.’

    As they continued eating an unearthly wailing cry rent the bright quiet of the morning.

  3. I can't choose a favourite, sorry. And I don't understand how anyone can! Thank goodness that isn't my job here! LOL

    1. I'm with Dave - all the entries, as usual, were excellent.


    Many bad decisions allow no second chance. The one I made – unearthing my wife – proved that.

    But I missed her, and I once more wanted to dance and whirl with her – albeit her corpse - like we did during happier times. Happiness, however, ended quickly, replaced by years that grew progressively miserable.

    She died under circumstances I’d rather not disclose.

    Freed from her grave’s grip, a smile wrinkled her decomposing face as she pulled me into her clammy crypt and smothered me beneath her fetid self.

    My mind went blank with her words: “Glad you missed me, you miserable bastard!”

  5. oh wow! What a savage piece of writig this is!!!!!

  6. Snakeskin and Lint

    From his hospital bed he watched the vast whirl of the desert sandstorm brewing up on the TV screen. The explorer had unearthed the Mummy's tomb. Now it was reanimated and hell bent on vengeance.
    Somewhat galling that they should be showing this when he himself was swathed from head to toe in bandages. This was his second reincarnation. Shedding your skin wasn't half as painless as they made it out to be.
    Sucking orange juice through a straw he hummed in somewhat reserved tones - que sera sera.

  7. A quite interesting entry, David. I loved the last line.

  8. "whirl, WHIRL!"

    The booming voice commanded, stridently, and I was forced to obey. I whirled, spinning like a dervish, spinning for my life. The others I had started with lay in crumpled piles on the bloody floor. They no longer had to dance to the Master. Only I remained. The girl who made it it to second place had no expression whatsoever as she slowed, and stopped, until she too joined the others in death. Her life wasted, her soul, perhaps, unearthed and sent to heaven. Who knows. I hoped to be the winner, and I was.

    Hooray for me.

  9. Winner? Yeah... but of what? Very spooky!

  10. creepy or what? - loved ths vinette - goes to the heart of us, those who see this tendency in others and then at last if their determination is strong, they will sweep all before them!
