Friday 10 June 2022

"Goodwill to all" short-lived as ice-cream in the sun

Which is a pity but I suppose that's the nature of being human. And it could equally be claimed, to some extent, folk posting here are similarly striving for top-dog-status (though with a good deal more charity of heart.)

So many lovely phrases displayed for our delectation this week, amidst tales of tremendous gore and gruesomeness, and since the depiction of horror is to some extent, why we write  here (some with more dedication that others)  it was obvious to me David's 'The dustbin men merited top place, I also found Holly's 'Gravity fails' more than a little terrifying.

Words for the coming week:  available,  third, yoke 

Entries by midnight Thursday 16th June, new words posted Friday 17th 

Usual rules: 100 words maximum (excluding title) of flash fiction or poetry using all three words above in the genres of horror, fantasy, science fiction or noir. Serialised fiction is, as always, welcome. All variants and uses of the words and stems are fine. Feel free to post links to your stories on Twitter or Facebook or whichever.


  1. James E. Deegan10 June 2022 at 16:16

    To David and Holly: CONGRATULATIONS!

    1. Congrats to David! And thanks for the mention. :)

  2. Mana From the Heavens

    Trahn attached the wooden yoke to his buffalo. The beast lumbered slowly along the irrigation dyke, tail lazily swishing mosquitoes, as it hauled the wooden cart. There was a dead cosmonaut out there in the rice paddies. Third this week. The stratospheric war was raging, casting fallen spacemen to Earth like fiery meteors. Trahn was always available for a retrieval. The circuitry in a cosmonaut suit was worth its weight in gold. Re-animator technicians in Phnom Penh would pay handsomely for the charred corpse. Waste not want not, as his old grandma used to say.

    1. This is all too believable, and I love the contrast of cultures you have evoked.

    2. Many profit from war it seems. Nice one, David.

    3. James E. Deegan14 June 2022 at 23:47

      I can see why Trahan favors war. This is a good one, David.

    4. Oooh this is a very interesting world. Sounds like the body has many uses!

  3. A price to pay? [Threshold 398]

    For the third time in as many hours, I thought I saw something break the straight-ruled edge of the distant horizon. Some frond-like smudge, indicating the possible availability of water. Mind still on tales from Biblical times, I pictured yoke-paired oxen, ceaselessly trudging around a water hole, imagined I could hear the trickling of water into wooden buckets.
    As we drew closer I believed I'd interpreted the silhouetted correctly. Allowed optimism to grow.
    Raven saw it different. 'I recognise the flag. They'll likely allow us water. But will want to charge more than I am willing to pay.'

    1. I'm sure much has been paid, historically, for water. Nicely done, Sandra.

    2. James E. Deegan14 June 2022 at 23:51

      Well, this does present a difficult situation, which you present so well, Sandra.

    3. Loved the phrase 'frond-like smudge.' Sounds like another fight is on the horizon for these two unless they can talk their way out of it somehow.

  4. Change of focus [473]

    Demonstrating she'd already assumed the yoke of step-mother, Philly sent Aleks home. 'You can make yourself a sandwich with whatever's available. I'm taking Ben for a quick drink. Phone me if your Dad's not home by half seven.'
    'I'm gonna do a boiled egg with toast soldiers. How long to boil it for a soft yolk?'
    'Three minutes. Be careful. Be good.'
    'And you!'
    Ben, already cheered at Philly's oblique invitation, laughed.
    'You're well practised at managing teenage children!'
    'I should be, He's my third. But keep that to yourself.'
    Philly nodded. 'And the boss doesn't know?'
    'Not yet.'

    1. It seems trouble might be brewing here. Nicely set up.

    2. It does feel like this will lead to some complication down the road. I can't wait for when I can trust my kids to make their own food. :)

  5. Hit the Fan [21]

    Shock is my first reaction, followed by a rush of weightless glee.

    “Damn it, Felicia!” Rach grabs my elbow. Yoked together, I start to drift left.

    “You’re cheating!” Erd screams, fumbling with the rocket launcher.

    The third goblin freaks out, spinning, foot clipping Erd in the back.

    A roar, then Erd goes flying up, the rocket down past our feet.

    “Sh–!” We’re blown in different directions like weightless ping-pong balls, Rach’s sword nearly hitting me in the face. “Rach! Ow!” I pull free, tuck my knees, look for an available landing.

    Felicia and Vera are on the ceiling, looking down.

    1. Hopefully sometime in the future I'll have the energy and inspiration to write something outside my running serial. :) This week was tricky!

    2. I find, most of the time, serials save me from thinking up a new character. Standalones have to arrive near fully-formed. Have to say I enjoyed all the action in this episode.

    3. A lot of unusual action in this one. Very entertaining.

    4. @Sandra Yes, that's true, which is nice some weeks. :) Thank you!

    5. James E. Deegan15 June 2022 at 17:45

      Such a quick and lively pace to this, Holly. Very entertaining!

  6. James E. Deegan14 June 2022 at 17:49


    "Supper ready?" asked Veldor.
    Marqueus's finger stopped at the third item on his list. "Yes, Sire," he cautiously replied, "but -"
    "Bring it!" Veldor harshly interrupted before rubbing his ample stomach.
    "Yes, Sire." Marqueus bowed and departed.
    Minutes later he returned leading a scrawny man shackled in a yoke that secured his neck and wrists.
    Anger reddened Veldor's face. He pushed his huge frame from his throne and glared at Marqueus. "You dare insult me with this bag of bones!"
    "Apologies, Sire," Marqueus pleaded, "Naught else is available."
    "Oh?" Veldor looked to his guards. "Bring me Marqueus... heart and liver first."

    1. Very entertaining, Jim. I'm sure few staff make it for long under Veldor's reign.

    2. Yikes, hopefully Marqueus is a fast runner!

    3. I hope Marqueus has had the wit to formulate an escape plan

    4. I call my cats for evening meal by shouting SUPPER! I think I will find some other way to tell them food is on the table... good food, in pouches, so people won;'t know how much the cat food resembles human food an |I think thta zombie I created is taking over...

    5. Decidedly -- and deceptively --flesh-crawling this one, Antonia

  7. I hate crowds

    She said I was part of the yoke, an integral part no less - that I wasn’t a third wheel, but an actual contributing entity. And when she was available, I should request her presence at any time. Which I did, repeatedly. Over and over again. And twice on Sundays.

    And now, here we are… she’s answered my request. And I have no idea what to do. Didn’t she just finish with Steve? Or Maybe Albert?

    I should have listened to my mother. Polygamy wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.

    1. It'd be hard to share! Something tells me this isn't going to last.

    2. Man not always led by his brain.


    3. good one, with no idea where it was going,like it a lot.

  8. James E. Deegan14 June 2022 at 23:55

    Sharing, as so clearly stated here, John, does not always work out well. Good one.

  9. The Secret Armadillo Soldier (SAS) Diaries - entry 197

    Sarg patted the soldier’s flank, ‘It don’t matter if it looks like a crap job, let ‘em think they caught us on the back-paw. Soon as its filled in, retreat to the next level where diggers an’ more soldiers’ll be waitin. If we don’t want to live under the yoke of any kinda tyranny we gotta keep ‘em away from the third level as long as we can to give our escapers available time t’ get out. Fightin’ em on our terms’ll give us an edge. Keep yer eyes sharp an’ whiskers stiff soldier an’ I’ll see yuh down below.’

    1. Sarg obviously knows what she's about.

    2. I love your dialogue which sounds natural - takes some doing to write like that

    3. James E. Deegan16 June 2022 at 22:39

      I believe the soldiers are glad Sarg is in charge, as she has her wits about her.

    4. I wonder if Sarge is sweet on rhe soldier? She patted his flank and said she'd see him below. Either way, this was some nice writing, Terrie.

  10. The Secret of God

    Eons before any other species began to gain self awareness, our kind learned in their third epoch the most efficient method for conquering the Universe.
    It wasn’t with grand, extravagant, expensive violence. No. Cost too many lives. Instead, we learned unexpected and unseen infiltrations were consistently more successful at bringing another race or planet under our yoke.
    Our asteroid will collide with Planet 13 in Quadrant 2334 soon. There will be no need to prepare to land. Available DNA strands safely ensconced deep inside this rock will ensure a successful conquest.
    Patience and time is all that is needed now.

    1. Interesting thoughts! Good to see you again

    2. Epic in its scope, this one MR - a good one.

    3. James E. Deegan16 June 2022 at 22:35

      So that's how it happened - very nice, MR.

    4. Pretty cool, MR. An enjoyable read.

  11. Random Thinking

    Is anyone available to work in the shop? The doctor says the skin tag is cancerous, I have to accept and not worry but this means visits to hospitals and worrying about the shop – and I know this has become a yoke holding me here. I need freedom but – It’s not their fault I can taste the earth falling into my mouth… Do I make sense? Doesn’t seem sensible, must keep going…

    I’m sure this is the third time I’ve escaped, from …what? Last time it was sunshine which set me free. I still have the bullet lodged …

    1. James E. Deegan16 June 2022 at 22:34

      Hoping this is fiction while admiring the wording: 'I can taste the earth falling into my mouth.'

    2. Well, if you'd been shot, I'm sure you would have mentioned that at some point before this. You have us all in a tither, Antonia. Nice job.

  12. Oh! Antonia! Not clear whether this is fact or fiction, I sincerely hope the latter and am keeping my fingers crossed for sushine.

    1. Does not seem random at all. Rather, a collection of clues for us to interpret. I like it.

      And it's good to see you again.

  13. You have tough choices to make this week Sandra, i think all the entries are so expertly written.
